Each Tuesday we will be compiling our author and WGP highlights. Stop by each week to see what we have all been up to!
WGP was very excited for author Jessica Kristie to have her award winning poetry collection, Dreaming in Darkness reviewed on the Huffington Post! It was a wonderful review that highlighted her talent and the power in her words. Stop by and have a look!
Poetry Is Different, Huffington Post
- This week we released the very classic cover for What We Did With Old Moons, a poetry and prose collection by M.V. Montgomery. Have a look HERE.
- The Secret Sloth by Kellie Holsey is now on eBook! For only $3.99 you can read The Secret Sloth on Kindle or Nook.

The Secret Sloth
Paperback: Barnes & Noble and Amazon
Author News:
Read the interview with Hemmie Martin author of The Divine Pumpkin over at Muse in the Valley.
Veritas author, Ina Schroders-Zeeders had her poem In The Moment published in the print version of The Journal.
Read a great interview of Roma, Underground author, Gabriel Valjan at BC Books.
Author Frank Lieberman did a pod cast interview www.trailrunnernation.com this past Tuesday. He ran, earned a medal & donated books to juvenile diabetes run at Cronan Ranch.
Gary Beck, author of the upcoming poetry collection Dawn in Cities will also be publishing a chapbook, “Pavan and other poems”, with Indigo Mosiac, in the U.K.
Read the interview at The Collagist with Robert James Russell, author of the novella Sea of Trees due for release this week!
Jessica Kristie had an interview at The Possibility Place, a beautiful literary magazine. You can also find an interview at the BPC and of course her amazing review of Dreaming in Darkness at the Huffington Post. Check out her latest collection, Threads of Life now out on print and eBook.
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