You can now purchase the new novel by J.M. Richardson, The Barataria Key, in print and eBook. Get Your Copy It lurks in the shadowy recesses of the French Quarter, among the flickering gas lanterns ... READ the POST
New Release: Grains of Sand
You can now get the poetry collection by Colton Babladelis, Grains of Sand, in print and eBook! Get Your Copy Grains of Sand is an exploration of timeless questions about our place in nature and the ... READ the POST
Olivia’s Ghost
Get your copy of the new novel, Olivia's Ghost, by Kathryn Mattingly. Buy Now Jackson and Olivia Porter's daughter Ava is thrown overboard during a squall on Puget Sound. In a flash of lightning Livy ... READ the POST
New Release: An Unexpected Visit
Purchase your copy of the newly released novella, An Unexpected Visit, by Joseph Falank, TODAY. There are fates worse than death. In his early thirties, Noah Adams writes of the turning point in his ... READ the POST
New Release: Fault Lines
Fault Lines, by Gary Beck, is now available in print and eBook wherever books are sold. BUY YOUR COPY There are cracks in our foundation. Undeniable fractures that divide society when we should be ... READ the POST
Corporate Citizen Now Available
Book Five in the Roma Series, by Gabriel Valjan, is now available wherever books are sold in print and eBook. Get Your Copy A call for help from an old friend lands Bianca and the crew back in ... READ the POST